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This adventure may be called Busy Dad's Workshop however, it is a family affair!  My wife and I like to involve our girls in anything we are doing.  While having two strongly opinionated daughters makes life interesting, we wouldn't have it any other way!

Ken's Story

I think it's pretty clear why I call my self "Busy Dad".  Yes, I am a father.  The "busy" part come from not only being a father but also because all of the projects that I get myself involved in.  I'm the one who had the crazy idea to chronicle all the projects and activities we do on a daily basis.  I would say that I am an extroverted introvert.  I like to share the projects I am working but not necessarily enjoy being the center of attention.  This site and our YouTube channel allows me to accomplish that.


I have a bit of a problem when it comes to what I like to do... I LIKE IT ALL.  Adult ADHD prevents me from settling on just one activity.  I could make an interest out of just about anything!  If you follow me on Instagram or TikTok will see that I am all over the place!


I have a long history of trying all kinds of activities.  From training for a triathlon to operating an auto-detailing side hustle out of my garage, the list of things I haven't looked into is pretty short.  Maybe I'll write a blog post about it some time...



Eileen's Story

You may be thinking, “What does the wife of busy dad do behind the scenes?” So I thought I’d take the opportunity to introduce myself. But before I do, I want to clarify that I value productivity and happiness over being busy for the sake of filling time. If a project or activity doesn’t bring value to my life or my family’s lives, it can and will take a back seat.


Like most people, I maintain several roles. I’m a daughter, sister, wife, mother of two daughters, an elementary teacher and an introvert living with Multiple Sclerosis. I’m also a self diagnosed Pinaholic with a very long “Honey-Do” list. I’m the idea maker without the skills.


It’s a standing joke between Ken and I that he could be passionate about most hobbies he tries. In contrast, I have difficulty finding a strong fit.


Over the years I’ve found that as time passes, I continue to enjoying cooking (not to be confused with baking)and have expanded my intrigue with gardening when I had the idea for Busy Dad to build us three, tiered, raised garden beds along the side of our house. As the years passed (about 8 years), my gardening experiments grew while our property size has not. (Another reason to be excited for our upcoming “Forever Home” build series.)


You can find my on Instagram sharing gardening, cooking and interesting content.


I’m hoping you’ll follow along with our family as we write a new chapter and give you a peek into our “busy” world!

Why Busy Dad's Workshop?

Because I have had such a storied history of getting involved in so many things, I somehow have become a person that people come to for my opinion, knowledge and ideas.  While I am NOT an expert in anything by any means... I know enough to provide some level of inside on various subjects.


I made a few DIY YouTube videos a few years ago over a Christmas break and they were pretty well received even though the quality wasn't the best.  Over the following years I tried to improve the quality and value of each video.  I am still trying to improve on that front.


Now that Eileen and I are moving into the next stage of our lives with building our forever house and doing more with gardening and cooking, creating a hub of our curated experiences seemed to make sense.  


We are excited to see where this adventure leads us in the future!


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