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A Giving of Thanks on Construction Eve

Thanksgiving Break

As I sit here on my first day of #Thanksgiving break I have much to #reflect on. Some moments in life seem to stagnate while others pass much too quickly. Other times anticipation makes it feel like things aren’t happening fast enough. But rest assure, the same moment never occurs twice.


If you would have asked me last year if I thought we’d be hosting another Thanksgiving in our current home I would have said no, but here we are. Too be honest, I’m okay with that. Life doesn’t always follow the #timeline you’ve set. Instead of being frustrated, I’m feeling rather #grateful for this delay.


Some #advantages of breaking ground after Thanksgiving include being able to have our daughters finish out the school year in their current district. This actually makes more sense considering our oldest daughter is in eighth grade. This will allow her to transition into high school once. Another benefit should be a late spring/ early summer move. Being a #teacher, this will also better align with my #schedule and allow me to get our new space in functioning order.

Construction Eve

At home I’ve been referring to this period before the big build as “Construction Eve.” To prepare, we’ve been packing #household items that are not used daily. The girls have been involved in this process as well. In fact, we’ve already filled a large portion of my in-laws basement with all of our “non essentials.” As their basement fills, our interior space has grown and our stress levels have lessened. Maybe there is something to be said for a #minimalist lifestyle. As long as it doesn’t involve me getting rid of house #plants I’m on board. Seriously though, sorting and packing your belongings really makes you question all of the “stuff” that one has accumulated over the years. I’m confident that if I don’t miss what has been packed so far, it may be because it no longer serves a purpose in our lives and it may be time to let it go.

Where’s my…

Now that our Thanksgiving menu has been planned, the groceries have been purchased, and the turkey has been thawing in the refrigerator since Friday, we can sit back, relax and enjoy the fleeting moment. But first, I may need to double check on that gravy boat. It’s possible that it’s packed and in my in-laws basement.

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