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We are doing it!

Land before home
Our driveway entrance

I can't believe we are actually going to take the plunge and build our own house!

For a long time, it has always been a pipe dream for me to build on an open spot on my family's land. My dad and I would talk about it from time to time after Eileen and I got married however, I never thought it would actually occur.

In 2018 we started looking for homes that would suit us better as we aged and would be more functional for me and my "hobbies". After looking at a bunch of homes and losing out on a few homes, my parents came to Eileen and I and offered to allow us to build on a piece of the family land. We thought about it for a bit and decided to take my parents up on their offer. Trust me...the decision was long thought out. The are positives and NEGATIVES living within 500 yards of your parents... In the long run, we decided it would be our best opportunity for us to get want we needed in a new house.

In order for us to build, we would need to redraw the property lines of the existing lots. This was a few weeks of discussion with my dad and the surveyor to determine our best approach. My parents have always been long term planning type of people and in this case it made a lot of sense. The metal pole building that was currently on my parents land would be moved to my property so that in the future when my brother and I have to decide what to do with my parents estate, the building would already be on my property and we would have to redraw lines yet again.

Aerial view of land

The area we will be building on is just under 2 acres in size. There will be some items we will eventually have to deal with like the overhead power and communication lines as well as well water and septic. However, the first thing to be done is to get the land arrangement taken care of. Over the next several months, I'll be posting pictures, video and articles about our process. make sure to follow along through our triumphs and pitfalls in our process.

Here is an overview of our project:

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